Guida degli insegnamenti


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Lingua di erogazione: INGLESELessons taught in: ENGLISH
Laurea - [ET06] ECONOMIA E COMMERCIO First Cycle Degree (3 years) - [ET06] ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE
Dipartimento: [040002] Dipartimento Scienze Economiche e SocialiDepartment: [040002] Dipartimento Scienze Economiche e Sociali
Anno di corsoDegree programme year : 3 - Secondo Semestre
Anno offertaAcademic year: 2018-2019
Anno regolamentoAnno regolamento: 2016-2017
Crediti: 6
Ore di lezioneTeaching hours: 44
TipologiaType: D - A scelta dello studente
Settore disciplinareAcademic discipline: SECS-P/06 - ECONOMIA APPLICATA





A sufficient knowledge of English

A sufficient knowledge of English


Lectures, computer-based classes, seminars

Lectures, computer-based classes, seminars

Knowledge and Understanding.

Knowledge and Understanding: The purpose of the course is to make the students aware of the Regional Economics’ theories and models (localisation and accessibility, hierarchy and urban structure, regional and local development) and of the main topics regarding the economies of the cities, the urban quality and sustainability and the urban form.

Capacity to apply Knowledge and Understanding.

Applying knowledge and understanding: The student will be able to perform a territorial analysis, to download, to manage and to process data, to compute indicators related to a target area, to prepare a report and to present related results by means of tables and graphs.

Transversal Skills.

Judgement, focus and communication skills. Theoretical lectures will be complemented by seminars held by expert and teachers in order to stimulate students’ critical approach and to broaden their horizons of knowledge. Students will be asked to give short presentations during the course, aimed at improving their public speaking skills.

Knowledge and Understanding.

Knowledge and Understanding: The purpose of the course is to make the students aware of the Regional Economics’ theories and models (localisation and accessibility, hierarchy and urban structure, regional and local development) and of the main topics regarding the economies of the cities, the urban quality and sustainability and the urban form.

Capacity to apply Knowledge and Understanding.

Applying knowledge and understanding: The student will be able to perform a territorial analysis, to download, to manage and to process data, to compute indicators related to a target area, to prepare a report and to present related results by means of tables and graphs.

Transversal Skills.

Judgement, focus and communication skills. Theoretical lectures will be complemented by seminars held by expert and teachers in order to stimulate students’ critical approach and to broaden their horizons of knowledge. Students will be asked to give short presentations during the course, aimed at improving their public speaking skills.


After having framed the origins, the theoretical and methodological foundations of Regional Economics, in the first section localization theories, regional growth theories (supply-side and demand-side), territorial disparities, territorial competitiveness (endogenous and exogenous) will be analysed. Particular attention will be devoted to the local economic development theories (Industrial Districts, Learning Regions, Milieux Innovateurs, etc.), stressing the active role played by the territory in shaping development processes. In the second section cities will be investigated a systems theory perspective. Finally, the student will be provided with food for thought regarding connections between bioregionalism and ecological economics from one hand and sustainable development models from the other (blue and green economy, circular economy).
The third section, which is computer-based, aims at providing the student with the necessary skills in order to perform a territorial analysis. Starting from the identification of a territorial unit of analysis, and by using a set of suitable indicators, the student will be able to discuss and compare regional and territorial development trajectories by means of tables and graphs.

After having framed the origins, the theoretical and methodological foundations of Regional Economics, in the first section localization theories, regional growth theories (supply-side and demand-side), territorial disparities, territorial competitiveness (endogenous and exogenous) will be analysed. Particular attention will be devoted to the local economic development theories (Industrial Districts, Learning Regions, Milieux Innovateurs, etc.), stressing the active role played by the territory in shaping development processes. In the second section cities will be investigated a systems theory perspective. Finally, the student will be provided with food for thought regarding connections between bioregionalism and ecological economics from one hand and sustainable development models from the other (blue and green economy, circular economy).
The third section, which is computer-based, aims at providing the student with the necessary skills in order to perform a territorial analysis. Starting from the identification of a territorial unit of analysis, and by using a set of suitable indicators, the student will be able to discuss and compare regional and territorial development trajectories by means of tables and graphs.

Learning Evaluation Methods.

Examination: The exam will consist in an oral examination and in the writing of a report regarding the computer-based activity.

Learning Evaluation Criteria.

Oral examination: students will be asked to demonstrate they have acquired a solid knowledge of the main theories and models presented during the course.
Written examination: students will be asked to demonstrate they are able to perform a spatial analysis and to comment results by means of graphics and tables.

Learning Measurement Criteria.

Positive grades: from 18 to 30. Cum laude can be bestowed to outstanding performance.

Final Mark Allocation Criteria.

Oral examination: it will consist in 5 questions. Each question will be graded from 0 to 6.
Written examination: the report will be evaluated according with three indicators: accuracy of the presented indicators, ability to organize the presentation of the results and quality of the comments. Each dimension will be graded from 0 to 10. The oral examination will contribute to 60% of the final grade, the written exam will contribute to 40% of the final grade. Cum laude can be bestowed to outstanding performance.

Learning Evaluation Methods.

Examination: The exam will consist in an oral examination and in the writing of a report regarding the computer-based activity.

Learning Evaluation Criteria.

Oral examination: students will be asked to demonstrate they have acquired a solid knowledge of the main theories and models presented during the course.
Written examination: students will be asked to demonstrate they are able to perform a spatial analysis and to comment results by means of graphics and tables.

Learning Measurement Criteria.

Positive grades: from 18 to 30. Cum laude can be bestowed to outstanding performance.

Final Mark Allocation Criteria.

Oral examination: it will consist in 5 questions. Each question will be graded from 0 to 6.
Written examination: the report will be evaluated according with three indicators: accuracy of the presented indicators, ability to organize the presentation of the results and quality of the comments. Each dimension will be graded from 0 to 10. The oral examination will contribute to 60% of the final grade, the written exam will contribute to 40% of the final grade. Cum laude can be bestowed to outstanding performance.


Materials provided by the teacher

Materials provided by the teacher

Scheda insegnamento erogato nell’A.A. 2018-2019
Le informazioni contenute nella presente scheda assumono carattere definitivo solo a partire dall'A.A. di effettiva erogazione dell'insegnamento.
Academic year 2018-2019


Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427