The student need to be have taken basic courses in economics and marketing.
The student need to be have taken basic courses in economics and marketing.
The course consists in lectures and other classroom learning activities (3 ECTS, 27 hours) and an online business simulation, carried out in small groups (3 ECTS, 27 hours). All the learning material will be available online on the university Moodle LMS: the educational material organised in learning units, the materials and instructions for both the online and classroom practicals, self-evaluation tests and results, information and instructions on the online business simulation.
The course consists in lectures and other classroom learning activities (3 ECTS, 27 hours) and an online business simulation, carried out in small groups (3 ECTS, 27 hours). All the learning material will be available online on the university Moodle LMS: the educational material organised in learning units, the materials and instructions for both the online and classroom practicals, self-evaluation tests and results, information and instructions on the online business simulation.
The course enables students to acquire advanced knowledge and understanding of the market conditions in which agribusinesses compete and of the marketing tools, corporate communication and new media to influence these market conditions. Besides, they will acquire knowledge and understanding of issues relating to the organization of the agro-food enterprises and to (human, financial, environmental, etc.) resources management useful to support complex decision-making processes of these companies in an international context. Such knowledge, integrating with those already acquired during the three-year degree on principle of economics and marketing, will enhance the cultural background of the students in the use of main marketing tools, the management and regulation of international markets.
Students will learn how to work with others in order to accomplish business objectives. To this end, they will participate in a business simulation in order to test their ability to analyze, by means of appropriate methodological tools, data obtained from analysis of demand and consumer behavior and to operate economical and functional analysis of alternative and innovative technical solutions.The group work will allow students to develop their ability to analyze in detail the many complex interactions that typically take place within the marketing divisions of food companies, including how to divide responsibilities and tasks within a group.
Participation in all learning activities and in particular to the business simulation will help students to improve their degree of independence of judgment in interpreting data and information and providing adequate justification for the choices and decisions made both independently and in groups. The student will learn how to arrange collaborative interactions within working groups, how to interact with other members of a team, and how to successfully communicate ideas, problems and solutions in a business environment.
The course enables students to acquire advanced knowledge and understanding of the market conditions in which agribusinesses compete and of the marketing tools, corporate communication and new media to influence these market conditions. Besides, they will acquire knowledge and understanding of issues relating to the organization of the agro-food enterprises and to (human, financial, environmental, etc.) resources management useful to support complex decision-making processes of these companies in an international context. Such knowledge, integrating with those already acquired during the three-year degree on principle of economics and marketing, will enhance the cultural background of the students in the use of main marketing tools, the management and regulation of international markets.
Students will learn how to work with others in order to accomplish business objectives. To this end, they will participate in a business simulation in order to test their ability to analyze, by means of appropriate methodological tools, data obtained from analysis of demand and consumer behavior and to operate economical and functional analysis of alternative and innovative technical solutions.The group work will allow students to develop their ability to analyze in detail the many complex interactions that typically take place within the marketing divisions of food companies, including how to divide responsibilities and tasks within a group.
Participation in all learning activities and in particular to the business simulation will help students to improve their degree of independence of judgment in interpreting data and information and providing adequate justification for the choices and decisions made both independently and in groups. The student will learn how to arrange collaborative interactions within working groups, how to interact with other members of a team, and how to successfully communicate ideas, problems and solutions in a business environment.
1st part – Food markets & strategy (1 CFU)-Introduction to Food Marketing & Management-Characteristics of food markets-Strategic Planning & Strategy management in food markets2nd part – Getting started in business (1 CFU)-Managing Human Capital: Leadership, Group Dynamics and Teamwork-Understanding Customer Value-Product design and the customer: need analysis and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) 3rd part – Expanding & Improving the Business (1 CFU)-Tactical Considerations in Designing Marketing Strategies-Guidelines on how to write and present a Business Plan-Guidelines on how to prepaper and present a Report to Corporate headquarters4th part - Business Simulation (3 CFU)-Introduction to the business game and to each quarter-Microsimulations-Executive Briefings-Business Plan and Fianl report presentations
1st part – Food markets & strategy (1 CFU)-Introduction to Food Marketing & Management-Characteristics of food markets-Strategic Planning & Strategy management in food markets2nd part – Getting started in business (1 CFU)-Managing Human Capital: Leadership, Group Dynamics and Teamwork-Understanding Customer Value-Product design and the customer: need analysis and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) 3rd part – Expanding & Improving the Business (1 CFU)-Tactical Considerations in Designing Marketing Strategies-Guidelines on how to write and present a Business Plan-Guidelines on how to prepaper and present a Report to Corporate headquarters4th part - Business Simulation (3 CFU)-Introduction to the business game and to each quarter-Microsimulations-Executive Briefings-Business Plan and Fianl report presentations
For class-attending students: The assessment is based on individual and group activities carried out on the Moodle LMS platform, on a group practical (team-work online play-against-peers business simulation), oral and/or written assessment of learning.
For those not attending classes: The evaluation is based on a written test, an individual practical and an oral examination.
The criteria for the assessment of learning are based on the accreditation standards of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).Specifically, the various assessments of learning are designed to test students' ability to: • Perceiving, understand, and predicting the market conditions in which they compete in the simulation;• Develop an integrated business perspective;• Use the tools of marketing and management to understand and manage the company's position in the market;• Present in a clear, concise style and appropriate language the results of business management.• Provide a tactical business plan and present it to potential venture capitalists.• Working in teams, managing conflicts in a constructive way and negotiation.
For all tests and practicals, grading rubrics are published on the LMS course site (Moodle). Specifically, a Balanced Scorecard is used to measure the teams’ performance within the simulation. It is a measure of the ability to create value for the firm’s stakeholders. It is also a measure of the team’s ability to integrate (harmonize) all of its business functions..Learning is also assesed by: Team Marketing Plan, Team cohesion (peer evaluation), weekly Executive Briefings, Microsimulations, individual ownership of Balanced Scorecard, Assurange of Learning Assessment (AOLA) test, Final Report presentation, Moodle LMS practicals and tests.
The final grade is based on a weighted average of all assessment criteria. The final score is measured in percentage and is converted in 30/30 marks.
For class-attending students: The assessment is based on individual and group activities carried out on the Moodle LMS platform, on a group practical (team-work online play-against-peers business simulation), oral and/or written assessment of learning.
For those not attending classes: The evaluation is based on a written test, an individual practical and an oral examination.
The criteria for the assessment of learning are based on the accreditation standards of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).Specifically, the various assessments of learning are designed to test students' ability to: • Perceiving, understand, and predicting the market conditions in which they compete in the simulation;• Develop an integrated business perspective;• Use the tools of marketing and management to understand and manage the company's position in the market;• Present in a clear, concise style and appropriate language the results of business management.• Provide a tactical business plan and present it to potential venture capitalists.• Working in teams, managing conflicts in a constructive way and negotiation.
For all tests and practicals, grading rubrics are published on the LMS course site (Moodle). Specifically, a Balanced Scorecard is used to measure the teams’ performance within the simulation. It is a measure of the ability to create value for the firm’s stakeholders. It is also a measure of the team’s ability to integrate (harmonize) all of its business functions..Learning is also assesed by: Team Marketing Plan, Team cohesion (peer evaluation), weekly Executive Briefings, Microsimulations, individual ownership of Balanced Scorecard, Assurange of Learning Assessment (AOLA) test, Final Report presentation, Moodle LMS practicals and tests.
The final grade is based on a weighted average of all assessment criteria. The final score is measured in percentage and is converted in 30/30 marks.
Bruce-Cadotte, The Management of Startegy in the Marketplace, ILS (will be availble online for free together with simulation materials)
Bruce-Cadotte, The Management of Startegy in the Marketplace, ILS (will be availble online for free together with simulation materials)
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