Guida degli insegnamenti


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Lingua di erogazione: INGLESELessons taught in: ENGLISH
Laurea Magistrale - [SM02] BIOLOGIA MARINA Master Degree (2 years) - [SM02] MARINE BIOLOGY
Dipartimento: [040017] Dipartimento Scienze della Vita e dell'AmbienteDepartment: [040017] Dipartimento Scienze della Vita e dell'Ambiente
Anno di corsoDegree programme year : 2 - Secondo Semestre
Anno offertaAcademic year: 2017-2018
Anno regolamentoAnno regolamento: 2016-2017
Crediti: 6
Ore di lezioneTeaching hours: 48
TipologiaType: D - A scelta dello studente
Settore disciplinareAcademic discipline: BIO/07 - ECOLOGIA





Graduate level in sciences.There isn’t any other specific pre-requisite but basic knowledge in marine biology and ecology and a diving certification are recommended.

Graduate level in sciences.There isn’t any other specific pre-requisite but basic knowledge in marine biology and ecology and a diving certification are recommended.


Lectures h 32; Seminars h 4; Field work h 12

Lectures h 32; Seminars h 4; Field work h 12

Knowledge and Understanding.

A combination of classroom lectures, interactive exercises and field trips will offer to the students the basic theoretical and practical knowledge on Marine Protected Area development and management.
They learn the main aims and opportunities represented by MPAs in marine conservation. At least a couple of MPAs will be visited to meet the day-by-day problems managers have to face.
Topics are national, regional and international policy on MPAs, ecotourism activities associated to the MPAs to promote sustainable livelihoods and MPA revenue, raising awareness and building compliance with MPA.

Capacity to apply Knowledge and Understanding.

The course will provide the students with the necessary information to work in environmental management and in biodiversity conservation in the frame of MPAs. At the end of the course the students know the pathways to follow for the development of a MPA and the main activities required for their management and monitoring.
The students have to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired during specific case studies, evaluating processes, phenomena, and environmental episodes, related to conservation and management of both coastal and off-shore marine environment.

Transversal Skills.

During the theoretical classes specific case studies will be discussed, stimulating their understanding abilities and emphasising the high interdisciplinary required to develop conservation projects.
The peculiarity of the practical activities requires developing good skills of interaction and coordination within a workgroup.

Knowledge and Understanding.

A combination of classroom lectures, interactive exercises and field trips will offer to the students the basic theoretical and practical knowledge on Marine Protected Area development and management.
They learn the main aims and opportunities represented by MPAs in marine conservation. At least a couple of MPAs will be visited to meet the day-by-day problems managers have to face.
Topics are national, regional and international policy on MPAs, ecotourism activities associated to the MPAs to promote sustainable livelihoods and MPA revenue, raising awareness and building compliance with MPA.

Capacity to apply Knowledge and Understanding.

The course will provide the students with the necessary information to work in environmental management and in biodiversity conservation in the frame of MPAs. At the end of the course the students know the pathways to follow for the development of a MPA and the main activities required for their management and monitoring.
The students have to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired during specific case studies, evaluating processes, phenomena, and environmental episodes, related to conservation and management of both coastal and off-shore marine environment.

Transversal Skills.

During the theoretical classes specific case studies will be discussed, stimulating their understanding abilities and emphasising the high interdisciplinary required to develop conservation projects.
The peculiarity of the practical activities requires developing good skills of interaction and coordination within a workgroup.


MPAs life cycle (preliminary phase, pioneer phase, practical phase); the MPA planning; MPAs management; MPAs research and monitoring; national, regional and international policy on MPAs; MPAs, reserve effect; Artisanal and recreational fishing activities in MPAS; ecotourism activities associated to the MPAs to promote sustainable livelihoods; MPA revenue, raising awareness and building compliance; Stakeholders engagement; the opportunity of citizen science to support shared management plans; Protected habitat and marine species in MPAs; large MPAs and the challenge of the open sea (Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction).

MPAs life cycle (preliminary phase, pioneer phase, practical phase); the MPA planning; MPAs management; MPAs research and monitoring; national, regional and international policy on MPAs; MPAs, reserve effect; Artisanal and recreational fishing activities in MPAS; ecotourism activities associated to the MPAs to promote sustainable livelihoods; MPA revenue, raising awareness and building compliance; Stakeholders engagement; the opportunity of citizen science to support shared management plans; Protected habitat and marine species in MPAs; large MPAs and the challenge of the open sea (Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction).

Learning Evaluation Methods.

The evaluation of the preparation of the student will be made by a final oral exam. Questions will be addressed to the main conservation theories, to biodiversity conservation, to national and international laws on biodiversity conservation. The problem solving skills will be tested by the analysis of case studies.

Learning Evaluation Criteria.

The level of knowledge acquired, exposed during the oral test, referring to lectures and to the practical parts, will be evaluated to assess the students’ preparation.

Learning Measurement Criteria.

The final mark is assigned as a fraction of 30. The exam is successfully passed when the mark is equal to or higher than 18/30. The highest mark can be assigned cum laude.

Final Mark Allocation Criteria.

The final mark is given considering the levels of knowledge acquired and shown during the oral test, and it is conferred considering the theoretical and practical parts.

Learning Evaluation Methods.

The evaluation of the preparation of the student will be made by a final oral exam. Questions will be addressed to the main conservation theories, to biodiversity conservation, to national and international laws on biodiversity conservation. The problem solving skills will be tested by the analysis of case studies.

Learning Evaluation Criteria.

The level of knowledge acquired, exposed during the oral test, referring to lectures and to the practical parts, will be evaluated to assess the students’ preparation.

Learning Measurement Criteria.

The final mark is assigned as a fraction of 30. The exam is successfully passed when the mark is equal to or higher than 18/30. The highest mark can be assigned cum laude.

Final Mark Allocation Criteria.

The final mark is given considering the levels of knowledge acquired and shown during the oral test, and it is conferred considering the theoretical and practical parts.


Notes taken during the lecturers and presentations given by the lecturers. State of the art articles, reports, books.

Notes taken during the lecturers and presentations given by the lecturers. State of the art articles, reports, books.

Scheda insegnamento erogato nell’A.A. 2017-2018
Le informazioni contenute nella presente scheda assumono carattere definitivo solo a partire dall'A.A. di effettiva erogazione dell'insegnamento.
Academic year 2017-2018


Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427