- conoscenza del concetto di mercato industriale
- knowledge about the concept of market in b2b
- lezioni frontali
- casi di studio
- seminari
- guest lecture
- front teaching
case studies
- guest lectures
- seminars
- conoscere come affrontare le sfide internazionali alla luce degli attuali contesti;
- approfondimento della conoscenza delle vendite in contesti internazionali
- applicare le conoscenza a reali scenari di internazionalizzazione per medie e piccole imprese
- soluzione di problematiche aziendali
- understanding how to access and face the market challenges in international contexts;
- international selling and global selling
- develop knowledge about the internationalization process of small and medium firms
- problem solving
-To understand markets and marketing from a b2b perspective
-To explain how market works and how marketing processes are organized
- Understanding how value for customers is generated and delivered
- To gain a sense of general strategic marketing issues, such as market opportunity analysis, target market selection and marketing mix development
- developing strategies in a globalized world
setting decisions in international marketing
planning and organizing the international marketing&sales effort
-To understand markets and marketing from a b2b perspective
-To explain how market works and how marketing processes are organized
- Understanding how value for customers is generated and delivered
- To gain a sense of general strategic marketing issues, such as market opportunity analysis, target market selection and marketing mix development
- developing strategies in a globalized world
setting decisions in international marketing
planning and organizing the international marketing&sales effort
- esercitazioni
- simulazioni
- prove di esame
Per gli di studenti con disabilità/invalidità o disturbo specifico di apprendimento (DSA), che abbiano fatto debita richiesta di supporto per affrontare lo specifico esame di profitto all’Info Point Disabilità/DSA dell’Ateneo, le modalità di esame saranno adattate alla luce di quanto previsto dalle linee guida di Ateneo
- svolgimento di project work
- efficacia delle risposte alle domande di esame
- scala 18 - 30
project work ed esame sostenuto
- practical test
- simulation
- exam
For students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) who have contacted the University Disability/SLD Info Point to request support for the specific curricular exam, please note that the way the exam is taken can be adapted in accordance with the University Guidelines
- project work
- quality of the answers to the exam questions
- grades 18 - 30
project work and exam questions
Carl Arthur Solberg, International Marketing. Strategy development and implementation. Routledge, 2018
Carl Arthur Solberg, International Marketing. Strategy development and implementation. Routledge, 2018
Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427