Good level of English
Basic knowledge of the legal importance of EU Treaty, EU Regulation and EU Directive.
Good level of English
Basic knowledge of the legal importance of EU Treaty, EU Regulation and EU Directive.
Lectures and case discussions, included students’ PowerPoint presentations and seminars
Lectures and case discussions, included students’ PowerPoint presentations and seminars
To provide the students with the fundamental knowledge regarding the legislative making process, especially as far as the relationships between EU Institutions, on one hand, and the role and position of citizens, on the other hand, are concerned.
To provide the students with the fundamental knowledge regarding the legislative making process, especially as far as the relationships between EU Institutions, on one hand, and the role and position of citizens, on the other hand, are concerned.
Introduction on the EU Legal system: legislation and institutional functioning
The European Administration: principles, organization and values
The perspective of a European Administrative Law
The role of Administration in managing Covid-19 emergency: the European Parliament case-study
The Strategies policies of the EU: economy, institutional and administrative system
The legislative power
The financial power
The political Supervisory power
The management of the economic problems at the EU level (included the Next Generation plan)
The Ombudsman and the Administration
The Data Protection Supervisor and the Administration
Citizens’ rights and Administration
The perspectives of the European Union.
Introduction on the EU Legal system: legislation and institutional functioning
The European Administration: principles, organization and values
The perspective of a European Administrative Law
The role of Administration in managing Covid-19 emergency: the European Parliament case-study
The Strategies policies of the EU: economy, institutional and administrative system
The legislative power
The financial power
The political Supervisory power
The management of the economic problems at the EU level (included the Next Generation plan)
The Ombudsman and the Administration
The Data Protection Supervisor and the Administration
Citizens’ rights and Administration
The perspectives of the European Union.
The methodology is based on a participative and seminarian approach: students will be requested to debate and submit presentation during the whole course. The course will be held in a module of two weeks time, with lessons and seminars. The examination will include a writing test {prova scritta) at the end of the course.
For students with disabilities and/or SLD: upon students’ request, it is possible to adapt how the exam is taken, in accordance with the University Guidelines(
presentation of an oral report on specific issue, participation to the discussion, check of the level of fundamental knowledge
Positive grades: from 18 to 30. Cum laude can be bestowed to outstanding performance.
Showing the capacity to find the answer to operational questions
The methodology is based on a participative and seminarian approach: students will be requested to debate and submit presentation during the whole course. The course will be held in a module of two weeks time, with lessons and seminars. The examination will include a writing test {prova scritta) at the end of the course.
For students with disabilities and/or SLD: upon students’ request, it is possible to adapt how the exam is taken, in accordance with the University Guidelines(
presentation of an oral report on specific issue, participation to the discussion, check of the level of fundamental knowledge
Positive grades: from 18 to 30. Cum laude can be bestowed to outstanding performance.
Showing the capacity to find the answer to operational questions
All the texts will be provided during the course-lessons and will be composed by original documents, resolutions, reports with in addition some essays: the course will be based on concrete real documents. However, it is suggested to read:
- J. ZILLER, Advanced Introduction to European Union Law, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020
-G. VILELLA, Being European, Nomos Verlag, 2017
The latter two books are compulsory study-texts for students not attending the lessons.
All the texts will be provided during the course-lessons and will be composed by original documents, resolutions, reports with in addition some essays: the course will be based on concrete real documents. However, it is suggested to read:
- J. ZILLER, Advanced Introduction to European Union Law, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020
-G. VILELLA, Being European, Nomos Verlag, 2017
The latter two books are compulsory study-texts for students not attending the lessons.
Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427